I received the following awards at TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS 2021 Mysterious Encounter / Category Winner Nature 2nd Place and Subcategory Winner Nature-Underwater Gold http://www.tokyofotoawards.jp/winners/social/2021/23-30468-21/ In addition, my a photo book Jewels in the night sea won the Silver award in the photo book subcategory Book-Nature. Jewels In The Night Sea / Subcategory Winner Book-Nature Silver http://www.tokyofotoawards.jp/winners/social/2021/23-30408-21/ TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS 2021において 私の写真がNature部門の2nd Place、Nature-UnderwaterでGold、 さらに日経ナショナル ジオグラフィック社から出版した写真集 Jewels in the night sea がBook-NatureのSilverを受賞しました。 @tokyofotoawards @ifotoawards