
12月, 2015の投稿を表示しています

A record of Penaeus (Melicertus) longistylus Kubo, 1943 from Kume Island Okinawa Japan.

First report and shooting the  Penaeus  ( Melicertus )  longistylus  from Kume Island Okinawa Japan. Penaeus  ( Melicertus )  longistylus  is similar large species  Penaeus  ( Melicertus )  latisulcatus . Color also it is very similar. I met  Penaeus  ( Melicertus )  longistylus  at night, it was on top of the coral reef. However, perhaps I think that they will live in close sand mud area to reef. Penaeus  ( Melicertus )  longistylus  has red spot of abdominal which is a feature, it is only on the trailing edge of the side surface of the third abdominal segment. Tips of uropods are blue with red hairs. Penaeus  ( Melicertus )  longistylus  Kubo,1943 Picture location:  Depth -6 m, Northern reef Kume Island Okinawa Japan. Individual information:  Total length about 150 mm. Species information:  Maximum total length: 150 mm (female) English name: Re...