A record of Penaeus (Melicertus) longistylus Kubo, 1943 from Kume Island Okinawa Japan.

First report and shooting the Penaeus (Melicertuslongistylus from Kume Island Okinawa Japan.
Penaeus (Melicertuslongistylus is similar large species Penaeus (Melicertuslatisulcatus. Color also it is very similar.

I met Penaeus (Melicertuslongistylus at night, it was on top of the coral reef. However, perhaps I think that they will live in close sand mud area to reef.
Penaeus (Melicertuslongistylus has red spot of abdominal which is a feature, it is only on the trailing edge of the side surface of the third abdominal segment. Tips of uropods are blue with red hairs.

Penaeus (Melicertuslongistylus Kubo,1943
Picture location: Depth -6 m, Northern reef Kume Island Okinawa Japan.
Individual information: Total length about 150 mm.
Species information: 
  • Maximum total length: 150 mm (female)
  • English name: Red-spot king prawn
  • Japanese name: unknown
  • Distribution: Indo-West Pacific (South China Sea, Malaysia, North Australia, Lord Howe Island).
  • Habitat;Bottom sand and reefs.

Penaeus (Melicertuslatisulcatus Kishinouye,1896

Picture location: Depth -12 m, Osezaki of Suruga Bay Shizuoka Japan.
Individual information: Total length about 190 mm.
Species information: 
  • Maximum total length: 190 mm (female)
  • English name: Western king prawn
  • Japanese name: Futomizo-ebi
  • Distribution: Indo-West Pacific (Red Sea and S.E. Africa to Korea, Japan, the Malay Archipelago and Australia).
  • Habitat;Bottom sandy mud.

Penaeus (Melicertuslatisulcatus is normal species in June to August at Osezaki Suruga-bay. It's always been limited in the night, usually depth is from 5-20m. Sea temperature is 18-22 degrees. I'm thinking it's for spawning.
This video is scene to dive in the sand of Penaeus (Melicertuslatisulcatus.

One more thing, we can look  Penaeus (Melicertuslatisulcatus  at Okinawa-Mainisland. Okinawan individual are living in the tidal flats, and usually smaller than of total length 50-100mm. Sea temperature is over 28-30 degrees.

Picture location: Depth-1m, tidal flat Okinawa-Mainland Japan.


Holthuis H.B., 1980. Vol.1 - Shrimps and Prawns of the World. An Annotated Catalogue of Species of Interest to Fisheries.

Motoh H.,1980. A further note to the "field guide for the edible crustacea of the philippines".

Hayashi K.,1992: Dendrobranchiate crustaceans from japanese waters. Seibutsu Kenkyusha, Tokyo. 300 pp. (in Japanese).

Minemizu R., 2013:サンゴ礁のエビハンドブック




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